The disturbing secret message of the ‘gay pride’ flag


Flags and banners are important symbols that state and establish place or convey an important message.

Many would say that the White House bathed in the colors of the rainbow flag on June 26, 2015, was only a sign of celebration, a well-deserved message of congratulations to the LGBT community after the Supreme Court’s ruling. A senior standard at the White House tweeted that was a declaration that “Love wins!”

But there is certainly clearly something more behind the rainbow-colored White House. It was an indicator of victory, and more than that, it was a declaration of dominance.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines dominion as “control over a country or people, or the land that belongs to a ruler.”

This is what dominion – the hostile ideological takeover of a great nation by a foreign occupying force – looks like:

Underlying everything is a mocking proclamation of the ruler of this world that reason, natural law and the common good can be impeached and banished and only sophistry and the institutionalizing of the untenable, outrageous notion of genderless marriage. Which as ruler he maintains his own make of impact over the United States: over political market leaders, even those in the highest realms of government; over judges in the highest court in the land and many lower courts; over press and many thought and opinion leaders; over many major companies, and over academia at every level.

In addition, it stands as a caution of judgment and doom for individuals who oppose this occupying power, who stand from this ideological colonization, meant to demoralize and create a feeling of hopeless, totalitarian inevitability, of surrender and defeat.

Scripture makes it clear that Satan looks for dominion over every center, every government:

“We know that we are God’s children, which depends upon lies under the power of the bad one,” (1 John 5:19). He’s “The “historic serpent … who leads depends upon astray” (Revelation 12:9).

That is his purpose, to deceive and distract all from the magnificent glory of the Gospel, of God’s eternal arrange for humanity. In particular, he looks for to deceive passive, dull-minded, unaware believers: “But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by its cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and natural devotion to Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:3).

Inside our day, we witness the attempted obliteration of gender, complementarity, and conjugal marriage as a means of undermining both the preaching of and experience of the Gospel.

But it’s simply a pretty flag

It’s not simply the government that has been overtaken by the rainbow flag. We’ve also watched as the rainbow colors have infiltrated some churches and denominations, small and large. While they are intended as signals of inclusiveness and tolerance, their existence is the truth is an indicator of the unabashed brazenness of the historic enemy of Christ planting his flag wherever he can to claim God’s people for himself.

The Mix is the fantastic mark of God’s people, a declaration in every Church and in every Christian home of our deep, living connection to Him who died that people might live, that we are manufactured for Christ which through the energy of His Blood and Cross, we are created new masterpieces in Him.

But the existence of the rainbow flag as a sign of “marriage equality” is meant to supplant the Cross and dilute its meaning. It stands in stark opposition to the eternal intention of Christ that has made us clean through the dropping of His Blood to be able to “… present [his Bride-to-be] to himself as a radiant cathedral, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless … ” (Ephesians 5:27; See also Revelation 19:8).

It is an effort to erase the blueprint that God has provided for us: Without conjugal, complementary marriage, knowledge of the Gospel is dimmed.

The rainbow flag in churches stands in judgment and mockery of the Primordial Sacrament, Christ’s spousal love for his perfect complement, his Betrothed, the Church.

It’s just the same sign: Dismantling the Cross of Christ

Are the red and green icons heralding genderless marriage as fully equal to conjugal marriage really just pink equal indicators against a red background?

And its own older genderless sibling – the Human Rights Campaign’s logo comprising a yellow equal signal against a blue background – is it too nothing more than what it looks?

Or is it feasible that in both cases the parallel pubs insidiously represent the dismantled beams of the Combination of Christ? The vertical component that represents humanity’s connection to God has been laid on its aspect, deemed irrelevant in these modern times.

Whether wittingly or unwittingly, the Human Rights Campaign is a conduit for the daddy of lies to mock and ridicule the fantastic Truth of the primordial sacrament, Christ and His Bride. These icons exist to invite wisdom and condemnation of not only Christianity but every clear-thinking Christian. They may be a vehicle by which the “accuser of our brethren” (Revelation 12:10 KJV) condemns both believers and the heart of the Gospel.

The presence of “equality” banners in churches and elsewhere can be an outright condemnation of complementarity, meant to dismantle and disengage the conditions groom and bride, couple, in order to be reassembled in a mocking manner as groom & groom, husband & husband, bride & bride, and wife & wife.

They are not benign symbols: They talk about a diabolical component.

Playing wth fire

The presence of the rainbow colors and “marriage equality” symbols in Churches across the country and around the world is a statement of Satan’s contempt for Christ and His Bride-to-be which has been present since prior to the beginning of your time. As such, they are evidence of his continuing influence in the world.

The symbols of genderless marriage equality haven’t any put in place the Church or among Christians. They are a bright, shiny, vibrant distraction from truth, seeking to dislodge and supplant it with a lay. Those that bring these flags and banners combined with the ideology they represent into the church are ill-informed of the nature and strength of the causes they are coping with: These are playing with fire.

The rainbow flag and equality symbols will be the banners under which Christianity and Christians are actually persecuted. And in going a step further and either strongly promoting or passively interesting the idea of anti-complementary relationship as some presently are, we risk personal involvement in mocking and suppressing the Gospel.

The introduction of these symbols into churches and homes is meant to be always a signal, a declaration from this world’s ruler to Christ that His Betrothed does not yet completely participate in Him – that she remains in myriad ways under his dominion, under his government. It is Satan’s way of needling, of taunting and ridiculing Christ and His Bride-to-be, even while subtly baiting all of us into signing up for him in his mockery.

The deceiver of the whole world (Revelation 12:9) is luring depends upon to join his mockery of Christ’s Arrange for His Bride, assuring many that they are on the “right side of history.” However, you can’t be on the right aspect of history if you’re on the wrong aspect of natural laws.

Most will scoff as of this view. Many – even devout Christians – will move their eyes instead of pausing to recognize and discern the grave reality confronting us.

Sister Lucia dos Santos, the longest surviving Fatima child visionary, warned the world not long before her loss of life: “The ultimate battle between your Lord and the reign of Satan will be about relationship and the family.”

Burn off your white flag, or better yet …

Don’t be deceived. Don’t shrug your shoulder blades. Don’t conclude the battle over marriage is a done deal and therefore we ought to accept it and proceed. Don’t influx a white flag and flex your knee before the garish rainbow flag. Burn your white flag, or even better, emblazon it with the Combination of Christ and influx it high for the world to see. The stakes are astronomically high, achieving not only deep inside your soul, in your family and the world around you, but to heaven and eternity.